Set up:
They are in a 20gal long tank (30"x12"x12") with about half filled with water (tap water + Prime dechlorodator)
Eheim 2213, outflow into breederbox, inflow has a stainless steel mesh as strainer
ExoTerra SolarGlo 100W, suspended about 12" above basking spot. The light is in a ZooMed Large Deep Lamp suspended by ExoTerra Light Bracket
Basking spot is about 95F
Water is heated by the lamp with a warm end of 78-80F, cool end of 74-76F, water temp during the night drops to 72-74F. (Note the tank does not have an internal heater)
Main tank has two large pieces of Malaysian driftwood piled up to form the basking platform, the top piece has nice slopes around all side to allow for easy access of the basking spot. Lots of Manzanita branches.
Anubias baberti nana (I am trying to grow these partly out of the water, so its not too visible right now)
Java moss--loosely spread in the tank
2 hatchling southern painted turtles
~20 blue mystery snails
1 Dragon HMPK betta
~30 snowball shrimp (in breeder box)
Breeder box:
The purpose of the breeder box is 1) I can funnel the water down to it so the water doesnt make a lot of noise, and 2) holds my breeding colony of snowball shrimp. These shrimp are partly for decor, and partly for an environmental enrichment/food for the turtles. The breeder box is designed so that tiny shrimps are able to go through (the breeder box itself is filled with javamoss, so its not like all of the new born shrimp will go through). Once the shrimp go through the divide, there is a small holding cell with even more java moss, and then leading to the main tank. The water is up so that the water line is just above the lid of the holding cell (again designed so that some small shrimp will not go through to the main tank). For those that do, they will be hunted by the betta and turtles, but since the main tank has soo much moss and plants and nooks in the wood, the success rate of the hunt will be low. This way, it provides the turtle with something to do and keep my snowball population healthy.
Since they are hatchlings, they are fed once a day, so a food amount equal to the size of their head. I feed them a home made turtle pudding (recipe can be found in the DIY section). The betta gets a little of atison's betta food (fed at the time when the turtles are distracted by their food), and the shrimps get a mixture of different fish/shrimp foods a couple of times a week, they also forage on the moss.

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